Vetting & Safeguarding
Safeguarding children is always at the forefront of Destination Education’s operation and we strictly follow our compliance procedure outlined by the DfE and the REC for every teacher and support staff registered with our company.
On behalf of the company, we hereby confirm that we have read, understood and are adhering to the guidelines applicable to agencies and supply staff, set out in the Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education document.
All staff we employ to work on behalf of Destination Education, undergo a rigorous vetting and interview process and have satisfied all the necessary recruitment and vetting checks.
This includes:
Candidates are reminded at the interview stage of their responsibilities in the safeguarding of children. In addition, we request that every candidate read Keeping Children Safe in Education (2022) prior to commencing work with us.
Destination Education provides an outline of the above checks to every school a candidate works in for their Single Central Record (SCR).